So sorry for the delay in answering for those of you who had questions. Yesterday, I took my first AP exam (World History) and lets just say that I basically had no free time and I feel very relieved and free that it's over. :)
First of all, I want to thank all of you who commented and looked at this blog! I really appreciate it and am glad that most of you learned something. There were a lot of questions (which is a very good thing, don't get me wrong), but too many for me to answer in one post. So I will post a few and then make a new post with a few more, and so on. I'll start with the earlier questions and progress to the more recent ones. They'll be titled by the question each person had.
Remembering to Recycle - in answer to Liz H.
I think it's great that you love to recycle! I know it can be hard to remember to put a recycable in a different place than you're used to, but I know your husband can do it! I would suggest setting aside a place (bin, counter space, wherever you feel like) to put all of the things you are going to recycle. Whenever you accidentally throw something away, physically take it back out and put it in the recycle spot. It's hard to break a habit (30 days of consistently doing it), I know, but I you can help your husband work at it and eventually it will be harder to not put things in the recycle place!
True or False: Some of what we recycle ends up in a landfill anyway. Which materials are most likely to be easily recycled & really help our environment? Is it really worth the effort? - in answer to Karon
There is so much information I could give you on filling up landfills with recycable items, but itstead I'll just give you the link to this news post about this very thing!
Also, here is a link to a website about the costs of recycling. I learned a lot from this!
So, as it happens, recycling does take extra energy and effort, but the little bit we can do sure does help!
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